Social dancing is a wonderful activity that benefits people of all ages. Whether it be Ballroom, Salsa, Swing, Tango, Hustle… there are many benefits to incorporating dance into your daily life, including fitness, emotional health, social health, and mental health benefits.

1) Dancing is a great FITNESS ACTIVITY. Dancing is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that utilizes many major muscular groups, and encourages proper posture and skeletal alignment. Flexibility, agility, and core strength are also greatly improved as well. Dancing is an enjoyable activity, so you won’t be looking at the clock or pedometer to see how much you worked out. In fact, you’ll notice that at times, time flies by so fast that you wish the dance class or social night out was longer at times. Which means, you will be “working out” longer than perhaps at the gym.

2) Dancing will improve your EMOTIONAL HEALTH. Not only does social dancing require coordination and rhythm, it requires you to move with another person (your partner) through Leading & Following, thereby stimulating the neurological pathways greatly. There are many studies that find that dancing helps reduce stress and increases serotonin levels as well. I truly felt the effect of this a couple days ago myself. I was stressed out and frustrated with some personal matters all morning and afternoon, but after I taught Salsa for 2 hours then practiced the Foxtrot and Quickstep with a friend for another hour, I felt tremendously better emotionally, slept well, woke up the next morning full of energy and was motivated and excited for the day ahead of me.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7715694